We are a team of changemakers, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles, grandparents and neighbors.
Saving the lives of our young people is a conversation that needs all of us at the table. You are invited to be a part of this team – proud Latinos, caregivers, educators, Faith leaders, writers, poets, artists, organizers, everyone is welcome.
Our Mission
Our mission is to support parents and caregivers as they talk with their children and young people about fentanyl, the dangers of counterfeit pills, and the new chemical drug landscape.
Our Vision
We will provide a comprehensive resource hub that curates critical information and communication tools that empower families to keep their loved ones safe.

Kyle Rochez
Scott Hadland, MD, MPH, MS
Jon Epstein
Ed Ternan
Elizabeth Zona, DO
Madeline Hilliard
Marcia Lee Taylor
Gina Chavez
Rhana Hashemi, M.S.
Our Partners
We could not accomplish our critical mission without our generous partners. Song for Charlie is 100% donor-funded and relies on the support of individuals, corporations, foundations, media, and creative agencies working together to ensure we reach even more families and youth across our nation. We are grateful for the leaders from both the public and private sectors who work with us at the local, state, and national level to accomplish our goals and create meaningful impact.